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The IBP Logo

The round shaped Logo, integrating artistic symbols of IBP’s research disciplines, vividly reflects the institute’s characteristics and missions. The institute’s name in both Chinese and English forms the outer part of the logo. The inner patterns from top to bottom are the sun, lens, eye, cell, biological macromolecules, wave, book and leave, respectively.

1.  The sun is the source of life. Sunlight absorbed by eyes and plant leaves are two biophysical processes of IBP’s research interests: visual process and photosynthesis.

2.  DNA double helix stands for biological macromolecules. Cells are the basic unit of organisms. Research in molecular and cellular level is an indispensable way to reveal the mystery of life and thus IBP’s major endeavor.

3.  Lens and wave, symbols of engineering technology, stand for supporting systems for basic research; also imply that science and technology aims at satisfying the needs of economic development.

4.  Book indicates respect for knowledge. Inheriting and carrying forward predecessors’ accumulated knowledge and dedication to the science cause are the virtues of scientists. Meanwhile, book also symbolizes that IBP is mainly targeted at basic research.

5. The combination of the different symbols reflects the institute’s various biophysical research fields.



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Institute of Biophysics, CAS    Address: 15 Datun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100101, China
Tel:8610-64889872    Fax: 8610-64871293    E-mail: office@ibp.ac.cn