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Seminar:Single neuron approaches to studying human brain functionJanuary 15, 2008

Author: pagemaker Update time: 2008-09-04

Seminars & Events

From?Scientific Administration Office of IBP

January 10,2008

Seminar: Single neuron approaches to studying human brain function


Single neuron approaches to studying human brain function

Most of our understanding about the brain at the level of individual cells comes from studies in animal models. Our functional knowledge about the human brain is largely derived from non-invasive studies, behavioral analysis of neurological patients, psychophysical measurements or extrapolation from single cell electrophysiology in animals. In some rare instances, it is possible to monitor the spiking activity of neurons in the human brain at very high spatial and temporal resolution. This can be achieved in cases where electrodes are implanted for clinical reasons, typically in the context of Parkinson's disease, epilepsy patients or patients with psychiatric diseases. In this talk, I will illustrate the scientific and clinical possibilities that emerge when studying neuronal activity in epileptic patients. The examples will be derived from microwire recordings in the human medial temporal lobe in patients with pharmacologically intractable epilepsy. I will show that units in the human brain can show high selectivity to complex visual stimuli and strong invariance to transformations of the stimuli. Furthermore, I will show that these neurons are activated during the recall of visual information. These examples illustrate the enormous potential derived from combining neurosurgical clinical approaches with neuroscience efforts.


Dr. Gabriel Kreiman
Assistant Professor
Program in Neurobiology and Department of Ophthalmology
Children?s Hospital Boston, Harvard Medical School
Center for Brain Science, Harvard University


TuesdayJanuary 15,  2008


where: Meetingroom, 3/F, 7 Building, IBP .
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Reporter's Selected papers:
Kreiman G*, Hung C*, Kraskov A, Quiroga R, Poggio T, DiCarlo J. Object selectivity by local field potentials in the macaque inferior temporal cortex. Neuron (2006) 49:433-445 (*=equal contribution) 

Hung C*, Kreiman G*, Poggio T, DiCarlo J. Fast read-out of object identity from macaque inferior temporal cortex. Science (2005), 310:863-866. (*=equal contribution) 

Quian-Quiroga R, Reddy L, Kreiman G, Koch C, Fried I. Invariant visual representation by single neurons in the human brain. Nature (2005), 435:1102-1107 (Faculty of 1000) 

Kreiman G, Fried I, Koch C. Single neuron responses in the human brain during flash suppression PNAS (2002), 99:8378-8383 (Faculty of 1000) 

Kreiman G., Koch C. and Fried I. Imagery neurons in the human brain. Nature (2000), 408:357-361. 

Kreiman G., Koch C. and Fried I. Category-specific visual responses of single neurons in the human medial temporal lobe. Nat. Neurosci. (2000), 3:946-953. 

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