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International Programs of National Natural Science Foundation of China

Author: Update time: 2012-12-07

*     Major International Cooperative Research Projects

*     Inter-organizational Cooperative Research Projects

*      International Exchange Projects

*     International Meetings Fund

*     Research Fund for International Young Scientists

The Fund is oriented to encouraging excellent young foreign scientists to conduct basic research in mainland China, so as to promote the research collaboration and academic exchanges among Chinese and foreign scientists.

Application and Funding

1. Institutional recommendation is adopted, whereby applicants submit their applications to National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) via their host institutions in mainland China. Affiliated research institutes and universities of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China are defined, on a trial basis, as qualified host institutions for the recommendation of eligible applicants.

2. The Bureau of International Cooperation at NSFC is responsible for the issuance of guidelines for application. Applicants shall submit their application materials to the Chinese Academy of Sciences or the Ministry of Education via their host institutions. After selection, the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Ministry of Education are required to send name lists of recommended applicants, together with recommendation letters, to NSFC.

3. The Fund provides research grants only, and host institutions are obligated to cover all local expenses, including insurance costs, and other necessary living and research facilities for applicants during the implementation of the Fund.

4. Duration of the Fund: 6 or 12 months. A Request for continuing funding for up to 12 months after the termination of the Fund is allowed on the basis of the requirements of the research work.


Eligible applicants for the Fund shall meet the following requirements:

1. Holding a Ph.D. degree, under the age of 35 by January 1st of the year of application;

2. More than 3 years of basic research experience or post-doctoral experience in foreign universities or research institutes;

3. Abide by Chinese laws, and the relevant regulations on the management of the National Natural Science Fund when doing research in China.

For detailed information about this fund, please visit

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