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Bo Wang, Ph.D, Associate Prof.
Members of the Youth Innovation Promotion Association, CAS
Translational research in visual perception and (functional) magnetic resonance imagingtechnique.
Tel: 010-64888565-809
Fax: 010-64836959, Zip: 100101
Chinese personal homepage

Biography & Introduction

BE (2000). Department of Biology, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China.Ph.D (2008). Key Laboratory of Cognitive Science, Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China.

2000-2007: Research Assistant, Key Laboratory of Cognitive Science, Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China.
2007-2009: Post-Doctoral Research Associate, State Key Laboratory of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China.
2008 - : Associate Professor, State Key Laboratory of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China.

?   Cerebral hemispheric asymmetry in visual perception;
?   The interaction of visual field (centre& peripheral) and visual perception;
?   Neuropsychological studies and applications of functional MRI in clinical (pre-surgicalplanning),with Beijing Tiantan Hospital;

?   Mechanism of the visual cortex impairments in glaucoma patients (POAG), the evidence of cerebral blood flow (pcASL), metabolism (MRS), and the structure of gray matter (VBM), with Beijing Tiantan Hospital &Beijing Tongren Hospital;

?   The applications of 7T MRI in clinical: brain structure (T2*), intracranialangiography (ToF), and intracranialvenography (SWI), with Beijing Xuanwu Hospital;

?   The behavioral and MRI study of schizophrenia patients in visual perceptual organization, with Rutgers university behavioral health care, NJ, US, Huaxi Hospital, Sichuan, and Anding Hospital, Beijing.

Ministry of Science grants, "The standard method of pre-surgical planning for neurosurgicalpatients" (2010IM030800), Project Leader;
973 grant from the national strategic basic research program of the Ministry of Science and Technology of China, "The primitive of cognition" (2012CB825500), key member;
973 grant from the national strategic basic research program of the Ministry of Science and Technology of China, "The human brain mapping of visual feature binding and invariants perception" (2005CB522800), key member;
National Nature Science Foundation of China grants, "The combination of fMRI andneuronavigation in minimally invasive neurosurgery" (30830101), key member;
The grants from Science and Technology Project of Beijing, "The clinical research ofLanguage-related cerebral function by pre-surgical planning " (Z006303041991), Co-Leader.

LU Jiaxi Young Talent Award of CAS (2012).
Membership of Youth Innovation Promotion Association, CAS (2011).
The second Award for National Award of Science and Technology Progress (2009), "Thebasic research and clinical application on the protection of brain function in minimallyinvasive neurosurgery", ranked fourth.
The first Award for Chinese Award of Medical Science and Technology (2007), "Thetechnology platform construction of minimally invasive neurosurgery and protection of brain function in neur

Selected Publication

Qing GP, Zhang SD, Wang B & Wang NL (2010) Functional MRI signal changes in primaryvisual cortex corresponding to the central normal visual field of patients with primary openangle glaucoma. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science. 0: iovs.09-4834v1 -94,834.
Wang B, Zhou TG, Zhuo Y & Chen L (2007) Global topological dominance in the lefthemisphere.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 104 (52): 21014-21019.
Liu ZX &Wang B (2002) Full-screen ultra-fast video modes over clocked by simple VESA routines and registers reprogramming under MS-DOS. Behavior Research Methods,instruments, & Computers.34 (2). 257-259.


From Bo Wang, 2019-03-22 update 

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Institute of Biophysics, CAS    Address: 15 Datun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100101, China
Tel:8610-64889872    Fax: 8610-64871293    E-mail: office@ibp.ac.cn