Important Awards
Important Publications
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The Institute of Biophysics has made spectacular achievements during its over half century development. These achievements are not only reflected in the institute’s significant body of scientific publications in international journals, but also in the numerous awards and prizes it had won at national, regional and the Chinese Academy Sciences levels.



In recent years the Institute has reported several important academic achievements including the crystal structure of spinach major light-harvesting complex, the crystal structure of mitochondrial respiratory membrane protein complex II, and the “Global First” theory of topological perception.
We have also reported a series of original and important achievements in the fields of Protein Science and Brain & Cognitive Sciences. Two achievements won first class National Natural Sciences Awards, nine achievements won second class national awards. The Institute has also received awards from Provincial bodies and from the Chinese Academy of Sciences.


     Important research achievement of the institute was published as the cover of  jounal The DEVELOP REPORT OF SCIENCE


Certificate of the first class National Natural Science Award


Certificate of the first class National Natural Science Award



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Institute of Biophysics, CAS    Address: 15 Datun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100101, China
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