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Organization of the Caenorhabditis elegans small non-coding transcriptome: Genomic features, biogenesis, and expression.

Author: Update time: 2009-11-30

Important achievements 


Organization of the Caenorhabditis elegans small non-coding transcriptome: Genomic features, biogenesis, and expression

GENOME RES 2006,16(1):20-29

By performing a systematic analysis on a mass of non-protein coding transcripts extracted from C. elegans, Prof. Runsheng Chen's group has found 100 novel ncRNA genes in the C. elegans genome, and identified two novel ncRNA classes (stem-bulge RNA and small nuclear-like RNA) and three ncRNA upstream motifs. Their analysis indicated that ncRNA has an independent transcriptional regulation system which is different from that of protein coding genes.



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