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Crystal structure of the polymerase PAC:PB1N complex from an avian influenza H5N1 virusn

Author: Update time: 2009-11-30

Important achievements 


Crystal structure of the polymerase PAC:PB1N complex from an avian influenza H5N1 virusn

Nature 2008, 454, pp1029-1150

Recently, we determined crystal structure of avian H5N1 influenza virus RNA polymerase subunit PA (PAC) in complex with the PB1 peptide (PB1N). This structure demonstrates details for the binding of PB1N to PAC, revealing a potential target for novel anti-influenza therapeutics as well as the potential role of PA in viral replication and transcription. It is a breakthrough for scientists to further investigate the function of the influenza virus polymerase and to design new drugs against flu polymerase.

This research is headed by Prof. LIU Yingfang and Prof. RAO Zihe.


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