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Crystal structure of the neurotrophin-3 and p75(NTR) symmetrical complex

Author: Update time: 2009-11-30

 Important achievements 


Crystal structure of the neurotrophin-3 and p75(NTR) symmetrical complex

NATURE, 2008, 454:789-793

Neurotrophins (NTs) engage two types of  cell-surface receptors Trks and p75NTR to play a wide variety of functions in the mammalian nervous system. Recently, Tao Jiang's Group solved the crystal structure of neurotrophin-3 (NT-3) complexed to the ectodomain of p75NTR.  It provides an important model for NTs-p75NTR recognition and signal generation, as well as new insights into coordination between p75NTR and Trks.





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