Wei Li, Ph.D. Prof.
Principal Investigator
State Key Laboratory of Epigenetic Regulation and Intervention, IBP
Research Interests: Dynamics and regulation of chromatin at the single-molecule level
Email: weili007@ibp.ac.cn
Tel: 010-64888465
Address: 15 Datun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100101, China
Chinese personal homepage
- Biography
2003 - 2006 Institute of Physics,Ph.D in condensed matter physics
2006 - 2007 Institute of Chemistry,Post-doctoral research associate
2007 - 2009 Institute of Physics,Assistant Research Professor
2009 - 2023 Institute of Physics,Associate Research Professor
2023 - Institute of Biophysics,Professor、Principal Investigator
- Awards
1. Molecular Basis of Chromatin Structure and Genome Stability Maintenance, Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China, Natural Science, Provincial and Ministerial Second Prize, 2023 (Xu-Guang Xi; Li Ming; Hou Ximiao; Liu Nana; Li Wei; Dou Shuoxing; Chen Weifei; Wu Wenqiang; Duan Xiaolei; Ai Xia)
2. Study on the Molecular Mechanism of the Structure and Dynamic Regulation of 30nm Chromatin Fibers, Beijing Municipal Government, Scientific and Technological Progress, Provincial and Ministerial Second Prize, 2018 (Li Guohong; Xu Ruiming; Zhu Ping; Chen Ping; Yang Na; Li Wei; Li Ming; Song Feng; Wang Mingzhu; Zhao Jicheng)
- Membership in Academies & Societies
- 2021 - 2025 Member of the Single Molecule Biology Committee, Biophysical
Society of China 2021 - 2025 Member of the Molecular Biophysics Committee, Biophysical Society of China
- Research Interests
From DNA to chromosomes, there are multiple levels of assembly, including nucleosomes, chromatin fibers, and chromatin loops. High-resolution analysis of dynamic changes in chromatin structure during the processes of reading, replication, and maintenance of genetic information is crucial for quantitatively describing the mechanisms by which various regulatory factors influence chromatin. This analysis serves as a key bridge connecting chromatin structure to its function. The precise examination of interactions and dynamics between biological macromolecules is a strength of single-molecule manipulation technology, which opens a new window for quantitatively describing the epigenetic regulatory mechanisms of higher-order chromatin structures. Our research group has made significant advances in understanding the dynamic assembly mechanisms of tetra-nucleosome units in chromatin fibers, the role of histone chaperone FACT, histone ubiquitination modifications, and the function of the chromatin remodeling factor SWR1. Moving forward, we aim to develop various single-molecule characterization techniques to construct a comprehensive view of the dynamic structure and regulation of higher-order chromatin structures such as nucleosomes and chromatin fibers. This will help us understand the molecular mechanisms underlying diseases caused by chromatin mis-assembly. Additionally, our research group will work on developing techniques for real-time manipulation of chromatin in vivo, enabling us to track the dynamics of critical life processes such as DNA replication and gene transcription.
- Grants
- Selected Publications
1. Dengyu Ji#, Xue Xiao#, Anfeng Luo#, Xiongxiong Fan, Jingzhe Ma, Dayi Wang, Miaoran Xia, Lu Ma, Peng-Ye Wang, Wei Li* and Ping Chen*. FACT mediates the depletion of macroH2A1.2 to expedite gene transcription. Molecular Cell, 2024, 84:1-15. (Previewed by Molecular Cell: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.molcel.2024.07.028 )
2. Anfeng Luo#, Jingwei Kong#, Jun Chen#, Xue Xiao#, Jie Lan, Xiaorong Li, Cuifang Liu, Peng-Ye Wang, Guohong Li, Wei Li* and Ping Chen*. H2B ubiquitination recruits FACT to maintain a stable altered nucleosome state for transcriptional activation. Nature Communications, 2023, 14: 741. (Editor's Highlights)
3. Yi-Zhou Wang#, Cuifang Liu#, Jicheng Zhao#, Juan Yu, Anfeng Luo, Xue Xiao, Shuo-Xing Dou, Lu Ma, Peng-Ye Wang, Ming Li, Guohong Li, Jianbin Yan*, Ping Chen* and Wei Li*. H2A mono-ubiquitination differentiates FACT's functions in nucleosome assembly and disassembly, Nucleic Acids Research, 2022, 50: 833-846.
4. Linchang Dai#, Xue Xiao#, Lu Pan, Liuxin Shi, Ning Xu, Zhuqiang Zhang, Xiaoli Feng, Lu Ma, Shuoxing Dou, Pengye Wang, Bing Zhu, Wei Li*, and Zheng Zhou*. Recognition of the Inherently Unstable H2A nucleosome by Swc2 Is a Major Determinant for Unidirectional H2A.Z Exchange, Cell Reports, 2021, 35: 109183.
5. Shuming Zhang, Xue Xiao, Jingwei Kong, Ke Lu, Shuo-Xing Dou, Peng-Ye Wang, Lu Ma, Yuru Liu, Guohong Li, Wei Li*, and Huidong Zhang*. DNA polymerase Gp90 activities and regulations on strand displacement DNA synthesis revealed at single-molecule level, The FASEB Journal, 2021,35(5): e21607.
6. Xue Xiao#; Cuifang Liu#; Yingxin Pei#; Yi-Zhou Wang; Jingwei Kong; Ke Lu; Lu Ma; Shuo-Xing Dou; Peng-Ye Wang; Guohong Li; Ping Chen*; Wei Li*. Histone H2A Ubiquitination Reinforces Mechanical Stability and Asymmetry at the Single-Nucleosome Level, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2020, 142: 3340-3345.
7. Ping Chen#; Liping Dong#; Mingli Hu; Yi-Zhou Wang; Xue Xiao; Zhongliang Zhao; Jie Yan; Peng-Ye Wang; Danny Reinberg; Ming Li*; Wei Li*; Guohong Li*. Functions of FACT in Breaking the Nucleosome and Maintaining Its Integrity at the Single-Nucleosome Level, Molecular Cell, 2018, 71: 284-293.
8. Wei Li#, Ping Chen#, Juan Yu, Liping Dong, Dan Liang, Jianxun Feng, Jie Yan, Peng-Ye Wang, Qing Li, Zhiguo Zhang, Guohong Li*. FACT Remodels the Tetranucleosomal Unit of Chromatin Fibers for Gene Transcription, Molecular Cell, 2016, 64(1): 120-133
Invited Reviews:
1. Ping Chen*, Guohong Li* and Wei Li*. Nucleosome Dynamics Derived at the Single-Molecular Level Bridges Its Structures and Functions, JACS Au, 2024, 4: 866-876
2. Ping Chen#, Wei Li# and Guohong Li*. Structures and Functions of Chromatin Fibers, Annual Review of Biophysics, 2021, 50(1): 95-116
(From Wei Li, August 28, 2024)