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IBP Seminar: PI3K signaling in cancer

Author: Update time: 2012-09-15
 what: PI3K signaling in cancer
 who:  Prof. H.C. Jürgen Hescheler

2012-09-26 10:00

 where: Dr. Peter K. Vogt, Executive Vice President & Chief Scientific Officer, The Scripps Research Institute, USA
 More Inmorfation: Dr. Vogt’s work (360+ publications) deals with retroviral replication and genetics, with viral and cellular oncogenes and with the identification of novel inhibitors of oncoproteins. He has made groundbreaking contributions to our knowledge of the cellular and molecular biology of retroviral infections, including the interaction between viral and cellular receptors, genetic recombination between retroviruses, and viral interference. 
 Host: Tao Xu,  Professor 
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