Dong Li(Guest), Ph.D, Prof.
Principal Investigator
State Key Laboratory of Biomacromolecules, IBP
Research Interests: Optical imaging techniques development and application
Email: lidong@ibp.ac.cn
Tel: 010-64888677
Address: 15 Datun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100101, China
Chinese personal homepage
- Biography
2002 - 2006 B.E., Department of Optical Engineering, Zhejiang University
2006 - 2011 Ph.D., Department of Electronic & Computer Engineering, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology
2011 - 2015 Postdoctoral Associate, Janelia Research Campus, Howard Hughes Medical Institute
2015 - Professor, Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Science
- Awards
2021, National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholar, China
2019, XPLORER prize, Tencent Foundation
2019, VCANBIO award for innovations and breakthroughs in life sciences and medicine
2015, PicoQuant Young Investigator Award, SPIE
2011, Winner of Young Scientist Award, Hong Kong Institute of Science
- Membership in Academies & Societies
- Research Interests
We focus on developing novel optical imaging methods, which enable us to measure and study the biological processes with unprecedented precision, such as structures and dynamics of molecular assemblies in living biological systems, interactions between molecules, and behavior of individual molecules, etc. We are greatly enjoying working at the interface of several disciplines, where light, biology and chemistry catalyze each other.
- Grants
- Selected Publications
1. Qiao C#, Li D#, Liu Y#, Zhang S#, Liu K, Liu C, Guo Y, Jiang T, Fang C, Li N, Zeng Y, He K, Zhu X, Lippincott-Schwartz J*, Dai Q*, Li D*. Rationalized deep learning super-resolution microscopy for sustained live imaging of rapid subcellular processes. Nature Biotechnology, Published: 06 Oct 2022.
2. Andrews B, Chang J, Collinson L, Li D, Lundberg E, Mahamid J, Manley S, Mhlanga M, Nakano A, Sch?neberg J, Valen D, Wu T, Zaritsky A. Imaging cell biology. Nature Cell Biology, 2022 Aug; 24(8):1180-1185. (invited Viewpoint paper)
3. Jiang A#, Zhang S#, Wang X*, Li D*. RBM15 modulates STYK1 m6A to promote tumorigenesis. Comput Struct Biotechnol J, 2022 Sep 5;20:4825-4836.
4. Gong B#, Guo Y#, Ding S, Liu X, Meng A, Li D*, Jia S*, A Golgi-derived vesicle potentiates PtdIns4P to PtdIns3P conversion for endosome fission. Nature Cell Biology, 2021 Jul; 23(7):782-795.
5. Xu G#, Liu C#, Zhou S#, Li Q, Feng Y, Sun P, Feng H, Gao Y, Zhu J, Luo X, Zhan Q, Liu S, Zhu S, Deng H*, Li D*, Gao P*. Viral tegument proteins restrict cGAS-DNA phase separation to mediate immune evasion. Molecular Cell, 2021 Jul 1;81(13):2823-2837.
6. Li D#, Colin-York H#, Barbieri L#, Javanmardi Y#, Guo Y, Korobchevskaya K, Moeendarbary E*, Li D*, Fritzsche M*. Astigmatic traction force microscopy (aTFM). Nature Communications, 2021 Apr 12; 12(1):2168.
7. Barbieri L#, Colin-York H#, Korobchevskaya K#, Li D, Wolfson DL, Karedla N, Schneider F, Ahluwalia BS, Seternes T, Dalmo RA, Dustin ML, Li D*, Fritzsche M*. Two-dimensional TIRF-SIM-traction force microscopy (2D TIRF-SIM-TFM). Nature Communications, 2021 Apr 12;12(1):2169.
8. Qiao C#, Chen X#, Zhang S#, Li D, Guo Y, Dai Q*, Li D*. 3D Structured Illumination Microscopy via Channel Attention Generative Adversarial Network. IEEE J SEL TOP QUANT. 2021 Feb 22;27(4):1-11.
9. Qiao C#, Li D#, Guo Y#, Liu C#, Jiang T, Dai Q*, Li D*. Evaluation and development of deep neural networks for image super-resolution in optical microscopy. Nature Methods, 2021 Feb;18(2):194-202.
10. Wang X#*, Liu C#, Zhang S#, Yan H, Zhang L, Jiang A, Liu Y, Feng Y, Li D, Guo Y, Hu X, Lin Y, Bu P, Li D*. N6-methyladenosine modification of MALAT1 promotes metastasis via reshaping nuclear speckles. Developmental Cell, 2021 Mar 8;56(5):702-715.
11. Qin J, Guo Y, Xue B, Shi P, Chen Y, Su Q, Hao H, Zhao S, Wu C, Yu L, Li D*, Sun Y*. ER-mitochondria contacts promote mtDNA nucleoids active transportation via mitochondrial dynamic tubulation. Nature Communications, 2020 Sep 8;11(1):4471.
12. Li D#, Zhao Y#, Li D, Zhao H, Huang J, Miao G, Feng D, Liu P, Li D*, Zhang H *. The ER-Localized Protein DFCP1 Modulates ER-Lipid Droplet Contact Formation. Cell Reports, 2019 Apr 9;27(2):343-358.
13. Colin-York H#, Javanmardi Y#, Barbieri L, Li D, Korobchevskaya K, Guo Y, Hall C, Taylor A, Khuon S, Sheridan G, Chew T, Li D*, Moeendarbary E*, Fritzsche M*. Spatiotemporally Super-Resolved Volumetric Traction Force Microscopy. Nano Letters, 2019 Jul 10;19(7):4427-4434.
14. Guo Y #, Li D#, Zhang S, Yang Y, Liu JJ, Wang X, Liu C, Milkie DE, Moore RP, Tulu US, Kiehart DP, Hu J, Lippincott-Schwartz J*, Betzig E*, Li D*. Visualizing intracellular organelle and cytoskeletal interactions at nanoscale resolution on millisecond timescales. Cell, 2018 Nov 15;175(5):1430-1442.
15. Han X #, Li P #, Yang Z, Huang X, Wei G, Sun Y, Kang X, Hu X, Deng Q, Chen L, He A, Huo Y, Li D*, Betzig E, Luo J*. Zyxin regulates endothelial von Willebrand factor secretion by reorganizing actin filaments around exocytic granules. Nature Communications, 2017 Mar 3; 8:14639.
16. Li D, Shao L, Chen BC, Zhang X, Zhang M, Moses B, Milkie DE, Beach JR, Hammer JA, Pasham M, Kirchhausen T, Baird MA, Davidson MW, Xu P, Betzig E*. Extended-resolution structured illumination imaging of endocytic and cytoskeletal dynamics. Science, 2015 Aug 28;349(6251): aab3500. Cover article.
17. Beach JR*, Shao L, Remmert K, Li D, Betzig E, Hammer JA*. Nonmuscle myosin II isoforms coassemble in living cells. Current Biology, 2014 May 19;24(10):1160-1166.
18. Li D#, Zheng W#, Zeng Y, Luo Y, Qu JY*. Two-photon excited hemoglobin fluorescence provides contrast mechanism for label-free imaging of microvasculature in vivo. Optics Letters, 2011 Mar 15;36(6):834-836.
19. Li D#, heng W#, Zhang W, Teh SK, Zeng Y, Luo Y, Qu JY*. Time-resolved detection enables standard two-photon fluorescence microscope for in vivo label-free imaging of microvasculature in tissue. Optics Letters, 2011 Jul 15;36(14):2638-2640.
20. Li D, Zheng W, Zeng Y, Qu JY*. In vivo and simultaneous multimodal imaging: integrated multiplex coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering and two-photon microscopy. Applied Physics Letters, 2010 97(22): 223702.
21. Li D, Zheng W, Qu JY*. Imaging of epithelial tissue in vivo based on excitation of multiple endogenous nonlinear optical signals. Optics Letters, 2009 Sep 15;34(18):2853-2855.
22. Li D, Zheng W, Qu JY*. Two-photon autofluorescence microscopy of multicolor excitation. Optics Letters, 2009 Jan 15;34(2):202-204.
23. Li D, Zheng W, Qu JY*. Time-resolved spectroscopic imaging reveals the fundamentals of cellular NADH fluorescence. Optics Letters, 2008 Oct 15;33(20):2365-2367.
(From Dong Li, January 12, 2023)