Zihe Rao, Ph.D, Prof., CASM
Principal Investigator
State Key Laboratory of Biomacromolecules, IBP
Research Interests: Study of the three-dimensional structures of significant proteins and viruses related to human infection disease or with important physiological functions, as well as in innovative drug discovery
Email: raozh@tsinghua.edu.cn
Tel: 010-64888556
Address: 15 Datun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100101, China
Chinese personal homepage
- Biography
Prof. Rao is a Biophysicist and Structural Biologist, mainly engaged in the study of crystal or CryoEM structures of proteins and pathogens related to human infection, as well as in the development of innovative drug treatment. To date, Prof Rao has published 335 peer-reviewed papers in international scientific journals with over 12,000 citations.
Since 2003, Prof. Rao has been elected as a Member of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Member of Academy of Sciences for Developing Countries, Fellow of Hertford College, University of Oxford, Member of International Eurasian Academy of Sciences, Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, Honorary Doctor of University of Glasgow and Hong Kong Baptist University. From 2014-2017, Prof. Rao served as the President of International Union for Pure and Applied Biophysics (IUPAB). From 2006-2017, he served as the Chairman of Biophysics Society of China.
- Awards
- Membership in Academies & Societies
- Research Interests
- Grants
- Selected Publications
1. Yuan S, Wang J-L, Zhu D, Wang N, Gao Q, Chen W, Tang H, Wang J-Z, Zhang X*, Liu H*, Rao Z* and Wang X*. Cryo-EM structure of a Herpesvirus capsid at 3.1 Å. Science. 2018 Apr 6;360(6384). pii: eaao7283.
2. Qiu X, Lei Y, Yang P, Gao Q, Wang N, Cao L, Yuan S, Huang X, Deng Y, Ma W, Ding T, Zhang F, Wu X, Hu J, Liu SL, Qin C, Wang X*, Xu Z*, Rao Z*. Structural basis for neutralization of Japanese encephalitis virus by two potent therapeutic antibodies. Nat Microbiol. 2018 Mar;3(3):287-294. doi: 10.1038/s41564-017-0099-x.
3. Wang X, Ren J, Gao Q, Hu Z, Sun Y, Li X, Rowlands DJ, Yin W, Wang J*, Stuart DI*, Rao Z* & Fry EE*. The structure of hepatitis A virus and the origins of picornaviruses. Nature. 2015 Jan 1;517(7532):85-8.
4. Yuan P, Bartlam M, Lou Z, Chen S, Zhou J, He X, Lv Z, Ge R, Li X, Deng T, Fodor E, Rao Z* & Liu Y*. Crystal structure of an avian influenza polymerase PA(N) reveals an endonuclease active site. Nature. 2009 Apr 16;458(7240):909-13
5. He X, Zhou J, Bartlam M, Zhang R, Ma J, Lou Z, Li X, Li J, Joachimiak A., Zeng Z, Ge R, Rao Z* & Liu YF*. Crystal structure of the polymerase PA(C)-PB1(N) complex from an avian influenza H5N1 virus. Nature. 2008 Aug 28;454(7208):1123-6.
(From Zihe Rao, April 27, 2018)