Wei Ji, Ph.D, Prof.
Principal Investigator
State Key Laboratory of Biomacromolecules, IBP
Research Interests: Single molecule localization microscopy and single molecule detection techniques.
Email: jiwei@ibp.ac.cn
Tel: 010-64888846
Address: 15 Datun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100101, China
Chinese personal homepage
- Biography
2001.09 - 2005.06 B.Sc. in Biomedical engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China
2005.09 - 2010.07 Ph.D. in Biophsics, Institute of Biophysics, CAS
2010.08 - 2011.12 Assistant professor, Institute of Biophysics, CAS
2012.01 - 2016.12 Associate professor, Institute of Biophysics, CAS
2017.01 - 2020.07 Professor, Institute of Biophysics, CAS
2020.07 - Professor, Principal Investigator, Institute of Biophysics, CAS
- Awards
- Membership in Academies & Societies
- Research Interests
Try to develop new single molecule localization microscopy and single molecule detection (SMD) methods to solve problems that now faced by biomedical researchers.
- Grants
- Selected Publications
1. Li W#, Lu J#, Xiao K#, Zhou M#, Li Y, Zhang X, Li Z, Gu L, Xu X, Guo Q*, Xu T*, Ji W*. Integrated multimodality microscope for accurate and efficient target-guided cryo-lamellae preparation. Nat. Methods. 20, 268-275 (2023).
2. Wu W#, Luo S#, Fan C#, Yang T, Zhang S, Meng W, Xu T*, Ji W*, Gu L*. Tetra-color superresolution microscopy based on excitation spectral demixing. Light-Sci. Appl. 12, 9 (2023).
3. Zhang R#, Gu L#, Chen W#, Tanaka N, Zhou Z, Xu H, Xu T, Ji W*, Liang X*, Meng W*. CAMSAP2/3 localize at microtubule intersections to regulate the spatial distribution of microtubules. J. Mol. Cell Biol. Accepted (2023).
4. Liu J#, Tang H#, Xu C, Zhou S, Zhu X, Li Y, Prézeau L, Xu T, Pin J*, Rondard P*, Ji W*, Liu J*. Biased signaling due to oligomerization of the G protein-coupled platelet-activating factor receptor. Nat. Commun. 13, 6365 (2022).
5. Wang L#, Lu J#, Ji W*, Wan L*, Gu L*. Interferometrical single-molecule localization based on dynamic PSF engineering. Opt. Lett. 47, 1770-1773 (2022).
6. Gu L, Ji W*. Recent progress on single-molecule localization microscopy. Biophys. Rep. 7, 365-376(2021).
7. Gu L#, Li Y#, Zhang S#, Zhou M, Xue Y, Li W, Xu T*, Ji W*. Molecular-scale axial localization by repetitive optical selective exposure. Nat. Methods. 18, 369-373(2021).
8. Gu L#, Li Y#, Zhang S#, Xue Y, Li W, Li D, Xu T*, Ji W*. Molecular resolution imaging by repetitive optical selective exposure. Nat. Methods. 16, 1114-1118(2019).
9. Li Y, Xue Y, Xu X, Wang G, Liu Y, Wu H, Li W, Wang Y, Chen Z, Zhang W, Zhu Y, Ji W, Xu T, Liu L*, Chen Q*. A mitochondrial FUNDC1/HSC70 interaction organizes the proteostatic stress response at the risk of cell morbidity. EMBO J. 38(3), e98786(2018).
10. Xu X, Xue Y, Tian B, Feng F, Gu L, Li W, Ji W*, Xu T*. Ultra-stable super-resolution fluorescence cryo-microscopy for correlative light and electron cryo-microscopy. Sci. China Life Sci. 61(11), 1312-1319(2018).
11. Zou W, Fu J, Zhang H, Du K, Huang W, Yu J, Li S, Fan Y, Baylis HA, Gao S, Xiao R, Ji W*, Kang L*, Xu T*. Decoding the intensity of sensory input by two glutamate receptors in one C. elegans interneuron. Nat. Commun. 9(1), 4311(2018).
12. Lan X#, Fan C#, Ji W, Tian F, Xu T*, Gao Z*. Grafting voltage and pharmacological sensitivity in potassium channels. Cell Res. 26, 935-945 (2016).
13. Liu B#, Xue Y#, Zhao W#, Chen Y, Fan C, Gu L, Zhang Y, Zhang X, Sun L, Huang X, Ding W, Sun F, Ji W*, Xu T*. Three-dimensional super-resolution protein localization correlated with vitrified cellular context. Sci. Rep. 5, 13017(2015).
14. Gu L#, Sheng Y#, Chen Y#, Chang H, Zhang Y, Lv P, Ji W*, Xu T*. High-density 3D single molecular analysis based on compressed sensing. Biophys J. 106(11), 2443-9(2014).
15. Zhang Y#, Gu L#, Chang H#, Ji W#, Chen Y, Zhang M, Yang L, Liu B, Chen L*, Xu T*. Ultrafast, accurate, and robust localization of anisotropic dipoles. Protein & Cell. 4(8), 598-606(2013).
(From Wei Ji, April 13, 2023)