Qian Wu, Ph.D, Associate Professor
Member of the Youth Innovation Promotion Association of CAS
State Key Laboratory of Brain & Cognitive Sciences, IBP
Research Interests: Cellular basis and molecular regulation of neurogenesis in brain development and brain disease.
Email: qianwu@ibp.ac.cn
Tel: 010-64887377
Address: 15 Datun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100101, China
Chinese personal homepage
- Biography
1999.09 - 2003.07 Beijing Normal University, B.S. in Biotechnology
2003.08 - 2008.04 University of Pittsburgh, Ph.D. in Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology
2004.08 - 2008.04 University of Pittsburgh, Minor Degree in Teaching in the Biological Sciences
2008.05 - 2011.09 University of Pittsburgh, Postdoctoral Training
2011.10 - 2017.12 Institute of Biophysics, Associate Professor
2018.01 - 2018 Institute of Biophysics, Professor
- Awards
- Membership in Academies & Societies
- Research Interests
I am interested in the understanding of cellular basis and molecular regulation of neurogenesis in brain development and nervous system diseases.
- Grants
- Selected Publications
1. Zhong S*, Zhang S*, Fan X*, Wu Q*, Yan L*, Dong J, Zhang H, Li L, Sun L, Pan N, Xu X, Tang F#, Zhang J#, Qiao J#, Wang X#. A single-cell RNA-seq survey of the developmental landscape of the human prefrontal cortex. Nature. 2018 Mar 22;555(7697):524-528. (*Equal contribution)
2. Shi Y*, Li S*, Wu Q*, Sun L, Zhang J, Pan N, Wang Q, Bi Y, An J, Lu X, Gao GF, Wang X. Vertical Transmission of the Zika Virus Causes Neurological Disorders in Mouse Offspring. Sci Rep. 2018 Feb 23;8(1):3541. (*Equal contribution)
3. Liu J*, Liu W*, Yang L*, Wu Q*, Zhang H, Fang A, Li L, Xu X, Sun L, Zhang J, Tang F, Wang X. The Primate-Specific Gene TMEM14B Marks Outer Radial Glia Cells and Promotes Cortical Expansion and Folding, Cell Stem Cell. 2017 Nov 2;21(5):635-649.e8. (*Equal contribution)
4. Li R, Sun L, Fang A, Li P, Wu Q*, Wang X*. Recapitulating cortical development with organoid culture in vitro and modeling abnormal spindle-like(ASPM related primary) microcephaly disease. Protein Cell. 2017 Nov;8(11):823-833. (* Corresponding authors)
5. Wang Y*, Wu Q*, Yang P, Wang C, Liu J, Ding W, Liu W, Bai Y, Yang Y, Wang H, Gao S, Wang X. LSD1 co-repressor Rcor2 orchestrates neurogenesis in the developing mouse brain. Nat Commun. 2016 Jan 22;7:10481. doi: 10.1038/ncomms10481. (*Equal contribution)
6. Kou Z*, Wu Q*, Kou X*, Yin C*, Wang H, Zuo Z, Zhuo Y, Chen A, Gao S, Wang X. CRISPR/Cas9-mediated genome engineering of the ferret. Cell Res. 2015 Dec;25(12):1372-5. doi: 10.1038/cr.2015.130. (*Equal contribution)
7. Li R, Bai Y, Liu T, Wang X*, Wu Q*. Induced pluripotency and direct reprogramming: a new window for treatment of neurodegenerative diseases. Protein Cell. 2013 Jun;4(6):415-24. (* Corresponding authors)
8. Wu Q, Wang X. Neuronal stem cells in the central nervous system and in human diseases. Protein Cell. 2012 Apr;3(4):262-70.
9. Chao Y, Wu Q, Acquafondata M, Dhir R, Wells A, Partial Mesenchymal to Epithelial Reverting Transition in Breast and Prostate Cancer Metastases. Cancer Microenviron. 2012 Apr;5(1):19-28.
10. Wu Q, Dhir R, Wells A, Altered CXCR3 Isoform Expression Regulates Prostate Cancer Cell Migration and Invasion. Mol Cancer. 2012 Jan 11;11(1):3.
11. Chao Y*, Wu Q*, Shepard C, Wells A, Hepatocyte induced re-expression of E-cadherin in breast and prostate cancer cells increases chemoresistance. Clin Exp Metastasis. 2012 Jan;29(1):39-50. (*Equal contribution)
12. Wells A, Chao YL, Grahovac J, Wu Q, Lauffenburger DA. Epithelial and mesenchymal phenotypic switchings modulate cell motility in metastasis. Front Biosci. 2011 Jan 1;16:815-37.
13. Wu Q, Sahasrabudhe RM, Luo LZ, Lewis DW, Gollin SM, Saunders WS. Deficiency in myosin light-chain phosphorylation causes cytokinesis failure and multipolarity in cancer cells. Oncogene. 2010 Jul 22;29(29):4183-93.
14. Wu Q, Xu FL, Li Y, Prochownik EV, Saunders WS. The c-Myc target Glycoprotein1balpha links cytokinesis failure to oncogenic signal transduction pathways in cultured human cells. PLoS One. 2010 May 25;5(5):e10819.
15. Li M, Aliotta JM, Asara JM, Wu Q, Dooner MS, Tucker LD, Wells A, Quesenberry PJ, Ramratnam B. Intercellular transfer of proteins as identified by stable isotope labeling of amino acids in cell culture. J Biol Chem. 2010 Feb 26;285(9):6285-97.
Book Chapters
1. strong>Wu Q, Liu J, Fang A, Li R, Bai Y, Kriegstein AR, and Wang X, Chapter2: The Dynamics of Neuronal Migration, Cellular and Molecular Control of Neuronal Migration, 1st Edition, 2014, Springer, ISBN 978-94-007-7687-6.
2. Wells A, Chao YL, Wu Q, Chapter 58: Biology of metastatic liver tumors, Molecular Pathology of Liver Diseases, 1st Edition, 2011, Springer, ISBN: 978-1-4419-7106-7.
(From Qian Wu, March 27, 2017)