Yuanyuan Li, Ph.D., Assistant Professor
Member of the Youth Innovation Promotion Association of CAS
National Laboratory of Biomacromolecules, IBP
Research Interests: Super resolution microscopy and single molecule detection techniques.
Email: liyy@ibp.ac.cn
Tel: 010-64888522
Address: 15 Datun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100101, China
Chinese personal homepage
- Biography
2006.09 - 2010.06 B.M., Jilin University
2010.09 - 2015.06 Ph.D. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
2015.07 - 2019.09 Postdoc, Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
2019.09 - 2021.09 Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Engineer
2021.09 - Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Assistant Professor
- Awards
- Membership in Academies & Societies
- Research Interests
Mainly focused on light super-resolution imaging technology, development of single molecule detection techniques. Utilize the state of the art technology to extend the application of single molecule localization microscopy in biomacromolecule dynamic analysis and structural studies at molecular scale.
- Grants
- Selected Publications
1. Gu Lusheng#; Li Yuanyuan#; Zhang Shuwen#; Zhou Maoge; Xue Yanhong; Li Weixing; Xu Tao*; Ji Wei*. Molecular-scale axial localization by repetitive optical selective exposure. Nature Methods, 2021, 18: 369-373.
2. Gu Lusheng#; Li Yuanyuan#; Zhang Shuwen#; Xue Yanhong; Li Weixing; Li Dong; Xu Tao*; Ji Wei*; Molecular resolution imaging by repetitive optical selective exposure. Nature Methods, 2019, 16(11): 1114-1118.
3. Fan Chunyan#; Li Yuanyuan#; Gu Lusheng#; Li Weixing; Xu Xiaojun; Zhang Shuwen; Wang Lei; Chen Yan; Xue Yanhong*; Ji Wei*; Study on The Relationship of Laser Power Density and Localization Precision in PALM Imaging, Progress in Biochemistry and Biophysics, 2017, 44(6): 534-536.
4. Li Yuanyuan; He Xiao*; Yin Jun-Jie; Ma Yuhui; Zhang Peng; Li Jingyuan; Ding Yayun; Zhang Jing; Zhao Yuliang; Chai Zhifang; Zhang Zhiyong*; Acquired superoxide-scavenging ability of ceria nanoparticles., Angew Chem Int Ed Engl, 2015, 54(6): 1832-1835.
5. Qi Qingkai; Chi Weijie; Li Yuanyuan; Qiao Qinglong; Chen Jie; Miao Lu; Zhang Yi; Li Jin; Ji Wei; Xu Tao*; Liu Xiaogang*; Yoon Juyoung*; Xu Zhaochao*; A H-bond strategy to develop acid-resistant photoswitchable rhodamine spirolactams for super-resolution single-molecule localization microscopy. Chemical Science, 2019, 10(18): 4914-4922.
(From Yuanyuan Li, December 13, 2021)