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Professor Dinshaw Patel from MSKCC visits IBP

Updated: 2011-04-22

Professor Dinshaw Patel from Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center(MSKCC)visited the Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences under the invitation of Professor Ruiming Xu on April 19th.

Professor Patel is a renowned scientist and also an old friend of IBP. A number of IBP researchers had visited and worked at his laboratory and many of his postdoctor fellows came from IBP. His group applies crystallographic and solution NMR techniques to investigate macromolecular-mediated recognition, regulation and catalysis. The major thrust of his laboratory is currently in the structural biology of RNA silencing and the histone/epigenetics code. Significant efforts are also underway towards a molecular understanding of RNA-mediated events involving riboswitches and ribozymes, as well as protein-RNA recognition events impacting on disease syndromes.

Professor Patel gave a lecture about RNA silencing at IBP library. His talk consisted of three stories. First, he utilized crystal structure of human dicer and budding yeast dicer to illustrate the dicer-mediated mechanism of dsRNA cleavage. Second, he demonstrated a series of structure of riboswitches solved by his lab to exhibit the molecular recognition and enzymatic catalysis by RNA folds. Third, he displayed the Translin/Trax complex structure to explain how endoribonuclease regulates RNA silencing.

Through professor Dinshaw’s scientific career, he was trained solidly in his fields. He got his Bachelor’s degree from University of Bombay in India in 1961, and then he went to USA to get his master degree from Cal Tech in 1963 and doctor degree from NYU in 1968. From 1968~1984, he worked at AT&T Bell laboratory for seventeen years. After that, he got tenured at department of biochemistry & molecular biophysics in Columbia University until 1992. Finally, he moved to MSKCC to set up his lab. He is also a professor at Cornell University from 1994. His lab is very productive and had published many significant results on Cell, Nature, and Science and other top-tier scientific journals. He was elected a Member of the US National Academy of Sciences in 2009.

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