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Structure Illumination Super Resolution Fluorescence Microscope - OMX

Author: Update time: 2014-11-26

Structure Illumination Super Resolution Fluorescence Microscope – Delta Vision OMX is the ultra-high resolution fluorescence microscopy that utilizes 3D-SIM (Three-Dimensional Structured Illlumination Microscopy) technology. The 3D-SIM can reach a three emitting channel (488 nm, 405 nm, 561 nm) super-resolution imaging, which has the X, Y resolution between 80-120 nm and Z resolution between 250-350 nm. Moreover, the conventional mode rapid wide field deconvolution technique can be used for dynamic imaging of living cells with the highest resolution of 33fps.

The DeltaVision OMX can provide imaging from five to twenty micron into cells and tissues. Since the DeltaVision OMX works with conventional fluorochromes, there is no need to genetically engineer novel or complex photoswitchable probes. The instrument can be used for observation of accurate localization and distribution of specific molecules in cells, studying of movement rule of biomacromolecules in cells. Even single cytoskeleton (such as microtube and microfilaments) can be observed by the DeltaVision OMX due to the super high resolution.

Technical Support: Shuoguo Li (010-64888419, 




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