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Pico-force Multi-Mode Atomic Force Electron Microscope

Author: Update time: 2014-11-26


Atomic force electron microscope can detect the object's surface in a high resolution. It can analyze verity of surface characteristics which are corresponding to specific interaction forces. Besides, it can perform nano-cut process with its needle by operating at atom. The instrument has more imaging mode as contact mode and taping mode. The imaging resolution is 2-3 nm at XY axis and 0.5 nm of Z axis. Despite of operate in air, AFM can be used in liquid. So AFM can take image for biological molecule in physiological solution.

The component for this equipment:

1. NanoscopeIIIa Controller

2. Quadrex Box

3. Pico-force Controler

4. VT50 stabilizer

5. Veeco Optical image system

This instrument is used to study the morphology and structure of biological samples in sub-micron scale. It is also used for imaging of biomacromolecule as DNA, RNA and protein, etc in physiological solution condition, verify protein, DNA samples, even for real-time observation of dynamic process.

Technical Support: YanxiaJia (010-64888419,


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