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NMR Spectrometer

Author: Update time: 2014-11-28



NMR spectroscopy is widely used in various disciplines, from chemical applications to quantum mechanism investigation. The NMR group has two sets of NMR spectrometers both from Agilent Technology, one 500MHz and one 600MHz. The 500MHz instrument is equipped with a normal broadband probe, while the 600MHz instrument is equipped with a triple resonance cold-probe which theoretically enhances the sensitivity by three times.



The advantage of NMR technique is that the data collection is done in physiological conditions and it’s non-intrusive to samples. The NMR lab focuses on the applications in the field of biological science and chemistry.

The 500MHz instrument is dedicated to chemistry applications. It is used to determine the chemical structures of small molecules and a lot of heteronuclear measurements, such as 19F, 31P, 23Na, 15N, 29Si, 37Cl, 17O and so on, could also run on this instrument.

The 600MHz instrument is mainly used for biological investigations. Except to 3D structure determination of biomacromolecular such as proteins and nucleic acids, we also use the instrument for studying protein-ligand/protein-protein interaction, large range protein dynamics and NMR based metabolomics.


Technical Support:

Xuehui Liu (010-64888492, 010-64887727,

Shanshan Zang (010-64888492, 010-64887727,



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